Saturday, February 28, 2009
OC Feb Breakfast
Thursday, February 26, 2009
trivia :)
(the third one was partcularly difficult n I had to cheat hehe)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
With all the laws that we have been reading, and it looks like we will be reading it through mid March, here are my questions..
1. Should I read every detail word for word?
2. What should I take away from reading these details?
Thanks for your help!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
some Tera thoughts :)
There were a lot of "dry" details today, and in Leviticus overall. I typically glance over the details (and hope that one day when I am older I will study them out, make correlations with the NT, etc. hehe), and I usually read another part of the bible or another book so that I could have something spiritual to chew on for the day. I wanted to share something I read today that I found intriguing :)...
"The facts of Satan need to be faced. His power is breathtaking. He can take the brightest mind and the most cheerful heart and fill them with thoughts of perversion and violence. He can turn faith into a pack of lies and nonsense. He can twist Scripture or make its words swim meaninglessly before the eyes. One touch from him, and the stoutest believer will barely be be able to whisper a prayer."
Thank goodness for God who is more powerful than Satan "...the very majesty of His sovereign power, which by a mere word created the universe, and which by a mere word will at the end of time cast the Devil and all his demons into the lake of fire."
I love the goal of Chrono; that we don't allow ourselves to be food for Satan but rather, we find a way to stay connected to God, His word, and each other. Thanks for connecting with me through His word!
Love ya :)
P.S. The OC Feb breakfast is Saturday Feb 28th, yaay! Hope to cya there. And a SHOUT OUT to BRIAN MASHANEY, our fellow Chrono participant who's fighting the war in the middle east :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
10 Things I Love About God
1- I don't have to be afraid, The Lord himself will fight for me!
2- I am fortunate to have a God that is near me when I pray.
3- God does not tolerate idolatry...He is a consuming fire...he rids anything that comes in his path that separates me from him! Wow!
4- He blesses my life and constantly reminds me not to forget Him and to be thankful. To live life w/ much gratitude.
5- God is jealous for me. That's cool. He doesn't like competition. He fears being displaced by another and wants me all to himself.
6- I am considered a holy people. He chose me out of this world be his treasured possession. *** Sparkle Sparkle *** ^_^
7- He tests me to find what is in my heart and whether I will keep his command. He keeps me pure, sincere and in touch w/ my true heart.
8- He causes me to get to my low points to teach me that I shouldn't rely on worldly things but on His Word!
9- He humbles me so that in the end, it will go well w/ me. Keep the refining coming! It is for my own good. :)
10- Worshipping God is the best thing ever! It feels amazing! Don't be deceived by others...even those closest to you who secretly enticed you to follow other gods. Stand firm!
Gosh, I am so in love w/ God!!! He is waaaayyyy toooooo cooool. He is good to us.
<3 you guys,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Judgement Belongs 2 God
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
NYC February Chrono Meeting
Friday, February 13, 2009
Quail Given for meat question
Tabernacle (Visual)
Bottom: Acacia Wood. Why this type of wood? Acacia wood was a strong, resilient wood that grew up in desert climates. It could survive the harsh environment because its rood grew very deep. The tree itself never grew tall. In fact, most acacia trees only grow to a height of 15-30 feet. This tree was not affected by disease nor animal infestations because of the strong odor in the fiber of its wood.
Alright, hope you enjoyed just a glimpse of God's holy dwelling. There are so many other intricate details, such as the gold clasps, oil, turbans, ram skins...and much much more.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thou Shall not whine, lol.
Everytime I read about how much the Israelites complained to Moses, I just wanted to pull my hair out. Why weren't they grateful for God's blessings? And they kept complaining for the same things over and over.
I thought it great that God took such pride in external beauty that was simple yet elegant for the structure in a masculine form but chose beautifully ornamented designs for the priests. Maybe God showing some of his feminine flair?
That's about all I have the energy to write about today. As you can tell, I'm a little bit behind in my reading. I've also been reading books on gender communication, anger management, the Languages of Apologies and learning about them all as well as forgiveness. I'm a busy camper. heehee. til next post
talking donkeys!!!
I thought that Balaam "the soothsayer" was an interesting dude. He was a performer of divination. Apparently he didn't know that the people who came out of Egypt where God fearing people as well. Which brings up a interesting point. Gods people at that time where in different location. Apparently all of God's people where not slaves in Egypt.
How did all the Jews end up in Egypt in the first place? And why wasn't Balaam there with them, in Numbers 24:14-25 it says that he's going back to be with his people
Any who, the talking donkey was funny
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Slow to anger, abounding in love...
THANK YOU to all who have been sharing their thoughts, you have def encouraged my faith by allowing me a glimpse of yours :). Hope you are doing well, esp those who I have not heard from yet or have not heard from in a while.
Love ya, have a GREAT week! :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
I'm with Tera...
Kinda like the other day when we read that Aaron's sons were struck down for using unauthorized fire in the sacrifices... I mean, that's pretty intense... I know that one thing that has always remained the same, from the old covenant to the new covenant, is that obedience to God's instructions is necessary...
I'm so thankful that Jesus came and became the perfect sacrifice once and for all... Our bible talk has been studying out the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews makes a great comparison between the old testament and the new testament...
One thing it talks about how the tabernacle was created to be a shadow of what is in heaven... That is one reason that God was very particular about how it was built and the materials used... And it talks about the role of the high priests and all of the sacrifices... It's awesome that Jesus came as the great high priest and gave himself as the perfect sacrifice once and for all... Otherwise there would be a whole lot of animal sacrifice and bloodshed still today... That and as you read the OT, you will see that no one sacrifice made anybody "perfect"... That is just what the blood of Jesus did; it purified us once and for all and made us perfect in the eyes of the Lord our God...
Tabernacle road trip and the circle of trust
So how do you move 625,850 pp? I'm glad you asked, here is a diogram I made for you all
East – Camp of Judah
Judah 74,600pp - Issachar 54,400pp - Zebulun 57,400pp = Total 186,400pp (sent 1st)
South – Camp of Reuben
Reuben 46,500pp – Simeon 59,300pp – Gad 45,650pp = Total 151,450pp (sent 2nd)
West – Camp of Ephraim
Ephraim 40,500 – Manasseh 32,200 – Benjamin 35,400 = Total 108,100pp (sent 3rd)
North – Camp of Dan
Dan 62,700 – Asher 41,500 – Naphtali 53,400 = Total 157,600pp (sent 4th)
TOTAL = 603,550pp
Question: Why does God give Moses orders not to count the Levites then later he tells him to count them? Any who here are some Names, Numbers and Responsibilities
Center – Camp Levites
West - Camp of Gershon - 7,500 males
Tabernacle Responsibilities: care of the tabernacle and tent, its coverings, the curtain at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, 26 the curtains of the courtyard, the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle and altar, and the ropes—and everything related to their use.
South - Camp of Kohath - 8,600 males
Tabernacle Responsibilities: care of the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the articles of the sanctuary used in ministering, the curtain, and everything related to their use.
North - Camp of Merari - 6,200 males
Tabernacle Responsibilities: care of the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts, bases, all its equipment, and everything related to their use, as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs and ropes.
East – Camp of Moses / Aaron & sons - # of males not mention
Tabernacle Responsibilities: care of the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Anyone else who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.
Total = 22,300 (bible says 22,000 in Number 3:39 and 22,273 in Numbers 3:43) Interesting?!?!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Question #2
When we are reading about all the sacrifices & preparation details, etc from our readings, what should I be taking away from them since we are no longer under the old covenant??
Israeli army looks a lot different today
National military service is mandatory for Jewish and Druze men and Jewish women over the age of 18, although exceptions may be made on religious, physical or psychological grounds
Men serve three years in the IDF, while women serve two. The IDF allowed women who volunteer for several combat positions to serve for three years because combat soldiers must undergo a lengthy period of training. Women in other positions, such as programmers, who require lengthy training time may also serve three years. Women in most combat positions are also required to serve as reserve for several years after their dismissal from regular service.
In 1983, the IDF permitted homosexuals to serve, but banned them from intelligence and top-secret positions. In 1993, an IDF reserves officer testified before the Knesset that his rank had been revoked and that he had been barred from researching sensitive topics in military intelligence, solely because of his sexual identity. Since then, homosexuals have been allowed to serve openly in the military, including special units.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Yay for Jesus
And poor Aaron, gosh losing 2 of his sons in one day :(. I'm glad he didn't get bitter and resent God (and hopefully he doesn't later)... I'm glad Moses was there to counsel Aaron :(.