Just wanted to post some pics of our last meeting of some of our peeps.
We just had our 3rd meeting and a really good discussion, which I'm sure Justin will blog about.
While I'm on the topic, I'd like to hold Justin up for doing a great job in keeping us tied together and motivated.
I'm looking forward to seeing more posts and hopefully writing some more of my own.
Thanks so much for all your input in the blog. Even though I don't get a chance to write a lot I do get a chance to read and am always edified.
Take care and enjoy the pics!
Justin & Kathie/Felicia & that guy
Inga (in orange)/Donette & Luis
Ok. so the order got messed up in transition...
1st pic (Felicia & that guy)
2nd pic (Justin & Kathie)
3rd pic (Donette & Luis)
4th pic (Inga in orange)
Thanks Kathie!
ok. the shirt is salmon pink, not orange....ha.
yeah but Inga in orange has a nice ring to it.
I think it's the Hard G and Soft G in the same phrase.
Ok, this is not what this blog is about..... *signing off*
awe, thanks for sharing the photos! Great seeing the NY bros & sisters.
Thanks for posting this Kathie. Yes we had a great meeting this month. We talked about how the reading was going. I gave a summary of what we covered for the last month, and we had an open forum to discuss things we've read and questions we had. I really enjoy discussing the bible this way. It's something I don't think I've ever really done in a formal setting. Looking forward to next month!
Great pics :) btw, we will be showing some of these pics to the singles at our next midweek, hope that is cool with everyone?
Ok. so the order got messed up in transition... 1st pic (Felicia & that guy) 2nd pic (Justin & Kathie) 3rd pic (Donette & Luis) 4th pic (Inga in orange) XO)
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