
Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Patient Man

Proverbs 16:32
Better a patient man than warrior,
a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

This scripture is shocking to me.  Part of me can't even believe its in the bible, but it might be because I feel like in the church I've been taught the opposite.  Outgoing, extraverted people were more valued in the past.  I think we followed more of "forceful men taking hold of the kingdom."  There's been an attitude of do something and fail is better, than being careful.  That's against this scripture.  and why is patience important?  Is it simply taking the time or could it have more to do with thoughtfully making the right decision?  Taking a city is a great accomplishment, but it says here, patience is better.  So what do you value, aggression or patience?

Also this was a couple of days ago, but I wanted to post it.  At the beginning of Proverbs it talks about the wayward woman and it talks about wisdom.  The earlier parts where it talks about wisdom are kind of neutral, but as it goes on wisdom is referred to as 'she' and 'her.'  Prov. 3 "She is more precious that rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her."  "Her ways are pleasant ways...She is a tree of life..."  I thought that was interesting because it's like don't fall in love with the wayward woman, fall in love with wisdom, the woman.  It was just an interesting word choice.  


Justin Seibel said...

"Bad impact is better than no impact." that's what i used to hear.

Teena Phamster said...

Love is patient. That is why patience is more valued than being a warrior or great disciple who baptized hundreds of people. You can give all your money to the poor, prophesy and burn your body in flames...but have not loved it is meaningless. You gain nothing and have nothing.

hananiah said...

Senor Seibel... your comments and thoughts from the east are always appreciated. It is quite clever to consider wisdom, a beautiful & strong woman, to truly pursue.

My thoughts on the patient man versus the warrior goes like this... I believe the main contrast has to do with intensity of strength. It is far nobler and taxing to restrain thyself, than to unleash malice and inflict harm. The latter part of that verse ranks the conquering of temper above that of a city.

We often times relish in glamorous victories or praise bold and mighty appearances, yet we make no habit of honoring the calm, cool and collected elements among us. Great is the spirit & attitude, mind & heart of those who triumph in character despite trials and hardships. Yes, we join in and easily clamour and strive for more gain, yet we neglect that which we already have responsibility for. This is like one who seeks to be accomplished, esteemed by others and powerful, yet forsakes his own home in his desires and pursuits.

I also agree that patience is far better than aggression...and that good impact is far better than bad and no impact. It is much better to err on the side of gentleness, care and concern, than to lack love and be thought great. One cannot expect to be trusted with much when he can't be trusted with little.

Certainly, discernment and consideration is always in good order. I am reminded of how the wife of noble character was not notably mighty, but rather steady and loving. I pray that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Tim 2:2), growing in patience, goodness and love...

Justin Seibel said...

What a response Hannah! Thank you for your insight. I like what you said about clamoring for glory. I hadn't thought about that. and what you said about restraining yourself too. JFK said something like this, "when we our arms are strong enough, that's when we won't use them." Great post. Good stuff from Tina too. Sacrifice doesn't matter if there isn't love. Sometimes we think of sacrifice as the greatest thing, but really it's love. Thanks for posting ladies.

Transformed Learner said...

Forceful men- greek translation means violently but not toward people in action but in determination in fighting against the strong tides of the inner sinful nature and the influence of this world that works against anyone who seeks to enter the kingdom. Jesus was saying how hard you must fight internally against all the things in this life that will force itself upon you. We forcefully/violently swim against the tide of worldliness in order to see, enter and stay in the kindgom. Matthew Henry Commentaries is an excellent source for understanding some of the scriptures that may confuse of because of english translation. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Word.
cheers and great posts all.