SPOTLIGHT: Mitch was the MVP this weekend! He was there the entire weekend (Craig too), did the most cooking (YUMMY bbq!), planned all the songs (he brought his guitar too, woohoo!), and delivered an amazing, engaging message on Sunday!
Everyone was super loving, giving, and serving... I had such a great time, I luuuuuuuuved it!
Here are some pics that Beca and I took with our phones, sorry we forgot to take more pics of people :(, hopefully Phamster or Jax in the Blog will share some of the pics they took.

Thx for posting the cool pix Tera! It was an incredible time! One of the most incredible retreats/trips I have been to! I very much enjoyed everybody's company...even if it was for a short time.
Thanks Mitch and Craig for leading us and doing such an extraordinary job this weekend! You guys are amazing spiritual brothers and I am so honored to have had a chance to know you on a deeper level. I also enjoyed my girl time!Thx Lisa and Laura! You gals rocked!So glad you were there with me on the first part of the trip. I wished I had more time w/ the rest of the girls...Becca, Tera, Tina and Jax. Thank you for all your hard planning Tera and getting things squared away.
Mitch, The lessons were great and the food was AWESOME!!! S'mores are the coolest invention! Very bonding weekend! I too LOVED it! I will def post pics soon...of people. ha!
Tera, great pick on the rocks! <3 the <3 shapes! Great attention to detail and thoughfulness on your part.
also, another SPOTLIGHT on Lisa Nguyen you coordinated most of the details before the trip :)... we love you Lisa!
Thanks for posting the pics. Seems like yall had a good time.
Yes, thanks Lisa Nguyen! Definitely appreciate you and the cheese you hand-sliced! It went a long way! We had great hamburgers and grilled cheese! :D If I forgot anyone else..please know you are appreciated and that it was a trip well done and planned.
Cool pictures. I really enjoyed the breaking of bread and the fellowship. I especially liked our Saturday Morning Quiet/discussion time where we took turns reading the chrono scriptures for the day and discussing the scriptures. Sunday Morning Communion/6 month review/question and discussion was very cool too.
I had such a great time!!It was so nice to spend time with everyone..singing..laughing..brushing our teeth together. Can't wait till the next one :)Thank you everyone who was involved with coordinating. I especially enjoyed our service on Sunday morning. Food was great too!! Tera, Becca, Jackie and I were all su-chefs to Mitch. Awesome BBQ chicken LOL
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