
Monday, August 24, 2009

Finished Old Testament

I'm using the Chrono Bible as a reference but, I've been listening to the audio bible for the past few months. Just got done with Malachi yesterday afternoon. I tried to do the audio bible in a year in 2007 but it was difficult but with this group it inspires me to learn more about the Bible.


Justin Seibel said...

Hey that's great Ken. Glad it's helping you. Did you have any final thoughts about the end of the OT?

Ken said...

oh yeah... forgot about that... one thing i learned this time around is that the minor prophets were around during the last kings of Israel and Judah. For some reason i thought 2 Kings and the minro prophets were from different eras.... but the chrono bible ties them all together.

Tera Chau said...

Great job finishing up the OT Ken! I'm glad ur in the Chrono group, we have missed seeing u at the last 2 events, hope to cya at the next one bro!

Ken said...

actually i did skip a book in the OT (Song of Songs) but I'll read that book some other time....

Johnzovjoq said...

oh yeah... forgot about that... one thing i learned this time around is that the minor prophets were around during the last kings of Israel and Judah. For some reason i thought 2 Kings and the minro prophets were from different eras.... but the chrono bible ties them all together.