
Sunday, October 18, 2009


We have been reading the old testament for over TEN months and alas the hero, the reason for the season, the Word, the "true light that gives light to every man," the Son, and through whom "all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made," our love, and our life.... JESUS was born.

(My date introduced me to this artist and song last night, GREAT song!)

1 comment:

Teena Phamster said...

Yay 4 Jesus! I am so excited to finally read into Jesus' story after a rich history that unfolds God's plan for all mankind! Absolutely amazing!
Beautiful song....makes me just want to sit at the feet of Jesus and thank him and thank him all over again 4 the love n forgiveness he has bestowed in my life.
Thanks 4 sharing Tera!