
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

David- A man after God's <3

Today's reading was definitely sobering and stomach wrenching. :(
Although David's son was rebellious and sinful beyond control, he still had a deep love for him. His love for his son was undying and undoing. When David heard of Absalom's death, he wept and cried, "O my son Absalom, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you--O Absalom, my son!" These words were considered the most moving expressions in all literature of a fathers grief over a son's death--in spite of what he had done. Absalom had many talents and abilities, but he was spoiled, impatient, and overly ambitious. These, along with his vanity and pride, led to his tragic death (of all things, his hair got caught in the thick boughs of a terebinth tree-- he was especially noted for his beautiful long hair, in which he took great pride(2Sam 14:25-26).)
Despite David's request to be gentle, Absalom's death was tragic. The brutal overkill is indicative of the deep animosity felt by David's men. David's sinful abuse of royal power had finally produced its most bitter fruit..the death of yet another son.

So, how is it that David was considered "a man after God's heart? We can perceive David to be a irresponsible father, husband and leader. He sinned greatly and suffered great consequences. But even in his darkest times, he still loved deeply. Especially a son whom rebelled against him, defiled his cocubines in public view and tried to take his kingship by force...he still loved him deeply...with deep anguish and pain for the loss. I admired that alot. Just as our heavenly Father has seen, felt and suffered for my sake (all of my sinfulness-pride, vanity, self righteousness, lack of love, selfishness and disrespect..) he still died on that cross for me. David wished it was him that died that day instead of Absalom. Jesus died that day for my sins. David mourned for his son and the sin that overtook him. God mourns and cries for me everyday as I choose to sin and hurt him.

I want to have God's heart everyday. I want to love deeply and to be broken of my sins. To turn away from my sins and bring him glory.

Humbled and grateful.


Tera Chau said...

wow GREAT thots T I luved it! my fav kinda books r those that compares big characters of the bible to Jesus or God, ur thots wudv fit rite in with some of those books! :)

Lisa Battig said...

Thanks, Tina. I appreciate everything you shared and agree with you heartily. I too, long to have God's heart daily and am so amazed through David's life by how quickly he would go back to loving God more deeply than acting of his own accord (his response to Uzzah's death from touching the ark, his response to his own desire to "teach Saul a lesson" when he cut the corner of his robe, obviously his response to his sin with Bathsheba & Uziah once he saw it, and even his response to his own sin of counting the men at the end of his life). He never seemed to go through that anger and bitterness or feeling of loss and failure that I always go through between the recognition of my sin and the righteous response to it.

I am so grateful for the plan in OC to repent "corporately". I think that I will have a better chance of making it through those times with a more David-like response with all of you around me.

Justin Seibel said...

Thanks for sharing your heart Tina. I wonder if David felt responsible for Absalom. Also, what was David's abuse of royal power?

Teena Phamster said...

thanks Tera for ur encouraging words and spurring on. :)

Lisa, I too am grateful that we can all repent of our sins and be unified in heart. David always had an amazing heart in response to his sins. Quite amazing! Rather blame shift or justify... He would have godly sorrow and immediately see that it is God whom he has sinned against. I look forward to refreshing times as we get rid of the old self and renew our commitment and love to God and one another.

Justin, thanks for asking some thought provoking questions. I would like ur take on it as well. But as for me, I think that David and any father would 'feel' responsible for their children. He probably realized how his life example could have steered Absalom to make certain bad decisions. However I believe that David understood deeply what it means to take full responsibilty for his own sin. "I have sinned against the Lord" was David's response to Nathan when confronted. We are all each responsible before the Lord. We decide to deceive, to rebel, to disobey and ultimately sin. David couldn't change his son Absalom's fate and the decisions he would make. He only wished for a moment that it was him who died that day...for the ones left to live bear the greatest grievances.
Well, when I stated that David's abuse of royal power, I was referring to how he schemed with Joab to kill Uriah, Bathsheba's husband. David wrote a letter to Joab saying, 'Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.' Joab did as he was told and changed it up a bit and other brave soldiers were sacrificed along with Uriah. A fact that exposes David's callousness as well as the enormity of his cover up.
David was chosen by God to shepherd/politically rule the Israelites. God didn't want David to build himself a temple because He wanted to build him a house (royal dynasty) that will last forever. God has been building Israel ever since the days of Abraham, and He committed to build a David a royal house so that the promise to Israel will be fulfilled-rest in the promised land. Not only did David violate God's laws, but even worse, he had shamelessly abused his royal power, which the Lord had entrusted him to shepherd the Lord's people.

Justin Seibel said...

You were talking about David's abuse of power with Bathsheba. I guess I don't connect the Bathsheba incident directly with what Absalom did. I will say this though, I've read this in another book, the penalty for adultery is death. So David should have died because of Bathsheba, but God tells him through Nathan, you will not die. Maybe what kept David from disciplining Absalom was because if he went down that road, what would happen to him?