
Saturday, February 14, 2009

NYC February Chrono Meeting

So we had our first Chrono meeting since we started reading and it went well.  An awesome, core group of  6 of us were there.  More could've made it, but the time and place didn't work.  But we had a good trivia time and some discussion.  Kathie shared about how she didn't think it was fair to Hagar and Ishmael to be sort of cast aside and become something lesser when really Abraham and Sarah were the ones not trusting in God.  For me the best part was all of us flipping through the pages to find answers to our questions.  It's amazing how we could find the truth and it clarifies things.  It was great to see disciples really thinking and talking about parts of the Bible.  It was different from a Bible talk, which is more based on how each of us relates to something, but more about understanding the Bible and God.  I don't know that I've ever had a discussion like that in such a formal setting.  Maybe with a friend here or there, but not in a group.  Anyway, I really hope our groups and the reading raise our Bible intelligence and helps us understand God more so we can build the church with our minds too.  Sorry, we had some pics of us, but they got lost.  Next time we'll post some.  


Tera Chau said...

yaaaay so glad the meeting went well! The OC's next monthly event is occurring on Feb 28th :)

Lisa Nguyen said...

dbl yaaaay! thanks for sharing about how the mtg went Justin!